Why should I want the Liftago app?

With the Liftago app, hailing a taxi ride or a courier to deliver your package is super easy.

Why should I want the Liftago app?
Is the Liftago app free?

Yes, Liftago app is free for download on iOS and Android. You only pay once you use a service (e.g. hail a ride or send a package).

Is the Liftago app free?
Is internet connection needed to use the app?

Yes, without internet it's not possible to use Liftago services (e.g. hail a ride or send a package)

Is internet connection needed to use the app?
Can I get Liftago services without the app?

Unfortunately, you need our app to access Liftago services.
That being said, if someone hails you a ride from their phone, it's of course perfectly OK to get in the taxi. )

On top of that, we've got a free business account that comes with a special feature: these customers get access to our web app created with recipients and assistants in mind. Using web app, they can easily hail a ride for colleagues or guests: no need for an app on their side as they get a text message about ride info once the driver is on his or her way to pick them up!

Can I get Liftago services without the app?
What if the payment doesn't go through?

With Liftago, the most common payment option are either cash or payment card. Here's what do if the payment with such card doesn't go through.

The most common scenario is a problem with 'MO/TO limit' settings – that means payments via card without the CVV code verification (the 3 numbers on the back of your card you're asked to provide e.g. when confirming a payment after an online purchase). If the payment doesn't go through, please check your MO/TO limit settings in your internet banking or contact your bank directly.

Other issues might be that your card is either expired, the bank registers the card as lost or there's insufficient funds at your account. If the bank declines the payment, unfortunately we can't tell which problem occured – please contact your bank directly.

What if the payment doesn't go through?
How can I apply a promo?

You have to apply the promo before the ride. To do so, go to app's menu, select Enter promo code and then again at the bottom of the screen. The promo is compatible with rides paid via a card saved in the app only.

How can I apply a promo?